Building your dream wardrobe: step 1 - The Basics

White Tee - H&M
Indigo skinny jeans - Topshop
Black Handbag - ZARA
Leather jacket - All Saints
Necklace - ZARA
Sunglasses - Stella McCartney
Pointed flats - Topshop
I feel like I am constantly apologizing for being absent and not constant with my blog but school and exams and life in general has just kept me so busy. However, recently I have decided on what I want to do in the future and surprise surprise it is something fashion related. My goal is to become a fashion buyer and this goal has encouraged me to improve my blog and be more consistent with my posts.

Anyway…. I always dream about what my wardrobe would look like if I could just start again. Basically get rid of everything, especially all the “trendy” clothing, and buy only timeless, classic but still fun pieces.  
This is the first step into building your dream wardrobe. Firstly, you should focus on the basics. I have complied a set of 7 basic pieces which I think should be in every girl’s wardrobe.

A pair of classic indigo skinny jeans is a must paired with a plain white tee! Every girl needs handbags so don’t be afraid to splurge on a good quality handbag, because you will definitely get good use out of it. I have opted for an oversized black tote. Black because it goes with everything and oversized because you won’t run out of room. A leather jacket will always be in fashion so I would definitely say it’s a must in the wardrobe. A leather jacket will edge up any outfit whilst also tying in well with the rest of the outfit. A pair of nude ballet pumps will come in so handy in every girls wardrobe as they go with everything and are super comfy especially these ones from Topshop. Also the pointed toe is very classy and feminine. Oversized sunglasses will be useful in the summer but even when it isn’t sunny they will help complete an outfit. Also if you don’t have time to put concealer on then some oversized sunnies will hide them tired eyes no problem.  And finally the statement piece…… whether it’s a necklace, a jacket or a handbag a statement piece can completely transform an outfit and give a quirky edge which will make you stand out.


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