Designer Crush

Alexander Wang is by far my favourite designer. His clothes are so trendy, fresh and cool. All of his clothes are strongly influenced by modern sport trends but he seems to add a unique edge to his clothes and that's what makes him such a popular designer.

Chanel and Gucci are well known for their designer brilliance and elegance but Alexander Wang is such an understated name. I don't use the word 'cool' a lot but what other word can describe his style of clothing?

Above I have picked out some of my favourites and as you can see most of the items are very simple and minimal. The colours he uses are not bright and garish but instead classy and muted which is right up my street. The combination of sports luxe, minimalism and edge is winning for me.

P.S. "One day I will own a studded bowler bag and parental advisory t-shirt."



  1. great post, his collections are always amazing X

    1. Thank you and yes i definitely agree! He is one of the most talented designers I have seen!

      Nikita x

  2. hey! i nominated you for the liebster award!
